Hey Readers!
Sorry for the brief and unintentional hiatus. I promise with the New Year coming up Cam + I have been discussing the future of this blog, and we have big plans! We want to feature a lot more original content (with the help of our DSLR), and kick back to our original reason for starting this blog: to provide inspiration! Somehow down the line, we geared more towards a "shopping list" if you will. I love shopping, and I will continue to feature wish lists of my favourite products (keep in mind we do NOT do sponsored posts at this time), but that will not be considered our only content anymore. We've also shut down "the 13 Challenge" and have decided to go in a different direction. I never want health to be something "forced" into someone's life, and with a challenge, I feel like that's exactly what I'm doing. Instead we will be posting on Wednesdays with more photos, recipes, and stories about the ways we have improved our health in hopes that it will inspire others to also take that leap. Going forward our main focus will be on fashion, decor, health, and of course our cat Pirate. We are also making it our New Years resolution to take more adventures around the city of Vancouver and beyond, and let our readers into our lives a bit more. We live in an amazing country full of beauty, and it's time we start exploring it!
Thank you readers for your amazing support, and we look forward to continuing to make Pirate + Lilac a better blog each and every day.
Archive for December 2012
Looking Forward to 2013
12 Days of Christmas: 9 Paleo Safe Treat Recipes

I may not be the greatest cook, but I love baking!! The holidays are my biggest excuse to bake up a storm of goodies, but with the 13 Challenge underway, there is no way I'm breaking my paleo diet! I've searched out 9 recipes for the holidays that (eaten in moderation) can easily fit in with a grain free diet but satisfy both bakers and eaters. ;)

01: BUNDT CAKE from Paleo Parents . 02: CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRIES from Paleo Betty . 03: PECAN PIE BARS from Detoxinista . 04: CHERRY CHOCOLATE from Paleo Australia . 05: CAKE WITH CINNAMON SAUCE from Paleo Betty . 06: MEXICAN MACAROONS from the Urban Poser . 07: CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES from Paleo OMG . 08: PISTACHIO BARK from Skinny Taste . 09: SWEET & SALTY FUDGE from Clothes Make the Girl

Kellee's Stats: Week 1

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Joanna's Stats: Week 1

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Lululemon + Modcloth Giveaway!
This week's challenge is about hydration! Now that you've created a workout schedule from Week 1, make it a goal to drink more than the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. Be sure you check back to the 6th day of Christmas post for our tips on adding electrolytes as well!
For 10 entries into the giveaway this week, take a photo involving water! You can provide us a link to instagram, twitter, facebook, etc. or e-mail it directly to pirateandlilac AT gmail (make sure to change the AT to @). For 1 entry, simply comment on this post and enter below! Tune in next week for our photo as well as a snapshot of our workout schedule!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

12 Days of Christmas: 8 Stocking Stuffers

01: ECO TOOLS brush set for the girl on the go . 02: THE OATMEAL cat book, for the cat enthusiast . 03: JLAB headphones, for the music lover . 04: FABULOUS FRANNIE essential oils, for the health nut . 05: LA LUZ dolce de leche candle, for the home maker . 06: HARRY POTTER snow globe, for the young at heart . SIPPING STONES whiskey chilling rocks, for the tomboy . GAIAM yoga block, for the beginner yogini
Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet, or are you a DIY gifter? I usually end up doing a combination of the two! Leave us a comment below!

12 Days of Christmas: 7 Lace + Black Dresses

As mentioned in yesterday's post, I attended a staff Christmas party on Saturday. The main question at the studio the whole week leading up to the party was "what are you wearing??" In true Kellee style, I procrastinated until the day before, texted Joanna with 3 dress choices I had in my closet, and picked the one we both agreed on. The photo below is the only one I've found so far. (I honestly was having such a blast I completely forgot to take photos!!) It's from a cell phone and you can't see my awesome shoes... but c'est la vie!

SHOES Jeffrey Campbell (blogged about here and here)
NECKLACE House of Harlow
RING Modcloth
Get the look below with our pick of 7 lace + black dresses! If the JC heels are a bit too high for your liking, there's a lower heel version available here! Let us know you're favourite by commenting below!!

01 MILLY . 02 ABS . 03: MADEWELL . 04: BCBG .

12 Days of Christmas: 6 Hangover "Cures"

This post was supposed to go up yesterday... but due to my Christmas party, I was definitely too hungover to be on a computer! Ah, the irony of this post feature. ;)
With many a holiday party on the horizon, any of us that partake in the sauce could use a few tips on how to keep the morning after from feeling so awful! Don't forget to drink responsibly, and never drink and drive!!
1. Prevention
This one is pretty obvious, but make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, and eat something healthy before going out. Try to limit your drinks to one an hour, which is what your body can metabolize. Leave a bottle of water and advil on your bedside table so you can take them and hydrate before falling asleep.
2. Electrolytes
Make sure to replenish your body the next day, as alcohol leaves you incredibly dehydrated. Most sports drinks are full of unneeded sugar, so I recommend instead drinking water with elete drops (available at BYV studios), or make your own electrolyte water by squeezing 1 lemon, 1 lime, 1 orange, 1 teaspoon of natural sea salt (the darker the better! Make sure you don't use regular kitchen salt!) and 1 litre of water. If citric acids bother your stomach, coconut water can be found at most grocery stores, and is excellent for boosting electrolytes as well as digestion.
3. Eat it Away
No, we don't mean to gorge on greasy food like many people do when they are hungover. Instead try a juicing recipe to replenish vitamins, or reach for one of these snack foods: bananas (potassium), eggs (contain glutathione which counteracts + cleans up after the acetaldehyde that gets dumped in your system when you drink heavily... in other words it helps clean up the nasty toxins in your system!), apples (on an empty stomach they can help speed up the detoxifying process in your body), or pickles (electrolytes... some people even drink pickle juice!)
4. Drink Tea
Stomach a bit queasy? Try some ginger tea. Have a massive headache? Chamomile tea can help ease pain. Need an energy boost? Give green tea a sip!
5. Exercise
This one always makes me roll my eyes, as usually when I'm hungover the last thing I want to do is move... but for those brave enough to give it a try, small bits of exercise can really help improve your mood. Make sure you don't do something incredibly strenuous on a hangover day, however, or you might aggravate your stomach. Try a brisk walk or a slow bike ride. Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after to ensure you don't dehydrate your body any further!
6. If All Else Fails... Drink A Bloody Mary!
We've all heard of hair of the dog, but you can also make a Virgin Mary. Tomato juice is full of vitamins, but if you do dare for the alcoholic version, do yourself a favour and match your drink with a glass of water.

12 Days of Christmas: 5 Cat Sweaters

I'm off to my work Christmas Partaaay tonight! I'm debating on taking my DSLR or just a point and shoot for the night... I never like to take valuables out while having a drink or two, so most likely it will be the $60
Now onto the theme of this post... Almost everyone has opened up that rather cushy present under the tree to discover a hideous sweater. Thanks Grandma... it's lovely! Why not point her in the direction of one of these Pirate approved body warmers this season and avoid getting a giant candy cane or tree pattern instead!

01: WILDFOX blush sweater . 02: ROMWE white sweater . 03: WILDFOX PJ set . 04: WHITE STUFF grey sweater . 05: TOPSHOP cream sweater

12 Days of Christmas: 4 Statement Necklaces

There's nothing like a statement necklace to add a bit of something to a solid colour gown. Barney Stinson says it best in How I Met Your Mother, "One of the 24 similarities between women and fish, They're both attracted to shiny objects." ;) Bring on the bling, I'm always on for a bit of distraction!

Belle Noele for a little bit of gold.

Almost Done for a little bit of rock and roll.

Armadani for a little bit of bling.

Kate Spade for a little bit of attention.
Do you like to figure out the little details before a bit event, or just go with your gut feeling on the night of? Comment below!

12 Days of Christmas: 3 Trees to Try

Living in an apartment building really puts a limit to your Christmas tree dreams. Over the past two years I've learned to deal with the fact that I can't go out and point to the largest, fluffiest, live tree in the lot and demand Cameron to strap it to White Lightning (my Nissan Versa). Tree? Schmee! Here are our top 3 non tree Christmas trees to get you in the spirit... and without the pine needle mess too! Let's get creative!
Why not save a tree, and take a nature walk to gather drift wood? You can then clean up the various pieces you collect and make a wall display like these crafty collectors:

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Recycle the cardboard kicking around in the back of your closets. Choose to paint it, or leave it au naturel.

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Are you a bookworm like I am? Put those novels to good use, and build your own book tree! Plus you can show off your favourite authors as a conversation starter if you're throwing a holiday party!

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12 Days of Christmas: 2 Gifts to Win!

12 Days of Christmas: 2 Prizes to Win!!
After reading over my post last Wednesday, I realized it was not only too complicated, but too strict as well (whoopsies. hey give me a break, i have no editor *wink*). We all have lives, and during the holidays we all deserve a pat on the back for making time for our health. Below is the revised rules and entry form. We've also pushed back the entry date to January 2nd, 2013 for all you New Years Resolution fans ;)

We're starting a new series here on Pirate + Lilac, called The 13 Challenge. Every Wednesday myself, Cameron, + Joanna (introductions to come) will be weighing in and logging our progress with our chosen routines.
If you want to follow along and get healthy with us, we will be posting weekly challenges to keep you on the right track! No need to sign up, just enter the rafflecopter form at the end of the blog post every Wednesday! The challenges will cover a wide range of topics such as nutrition, house organization, exercise, DIYs, and much more that will be unveiled every week! Yes, I know, Christmas is just around the corner... and so is New Years. Luckily you have until January 2nd to begin your challenge, but the earlier you start, the earlier you'll see results!! Plus, enter weekly and you could win $50 to Lululemon OR $50 to Modcloth! 2 Winners will be chosen, and they get to choose which giftcard they would like to receive!
The 13 Challenge: Week 1

Here we are at the starting point of the Challenge. These first few days are incredibly important in building your foundation for the rest of the challenge. Let's bring our positive attitudes forward, and get ready for some healthy change!
Week 1 Challenge: Take the time this week to build a workout schedule. Ah yes, almost everyone's most hated thing to schedule, but also the backbone of our entire healthy regime. Get out a calendar (or if you're like me, use google calendar). I want you to write in (or just remember to put aside) at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week for 13 weeks. Pick a certain routine, or switch it up every week, it's totally up to you! If you miss a workout for any reason, add it on to the next week (for example, if you only work out twice in week 1, work out 4 days in week 2). You're welcome to work out more than the required 3 days, but only if you have the time and are being sure to fuel your body with healthy food, water, and electrolytes (not sugar sports drinks; think sea salt and lemon). Remember, this challenge isn't about a certain number on the scale. The reason Joanna and I are clocking our results is just for fun and so we have a tangible result to show our readers besides just photos.
The goal of The 13 Challenge is to help motivate you to keep a healthy body and an organized home.
My Workout Plan
I will be using Bikram hot yoga in combination with turbo fire for 13 weeks. The first week I will only be using Bikram yoga. The 2nd week I will alternate between Bikram + Turbo.
Kellee's Stats: Week 0

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Joanna's Stats: Week 0

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Exercise Inspiration
Not sure where to start with your physical activities? Maybe you've already had a workout plan, but are looking for something different? Here's a few of our choices to help you plan out your next 13 weeks! Don't forget to leave a little wiggle room; if the weather gets bad or your plans change, you can always have something on hand like a jump rope for indoors, or even shoes for a brisk jog if it's not too rainy.

Give Bikram hot yoga a try! There are hundreds of studios around the world with certified teachers who have studied with Bikram himself. Search online to find a studio near you! You can also get books and cds, but the best part of the practice is the energy in class! {photo via}

Buy / rent some workout DVDS. A favourite of mine is Turbo Fire. I definitely don't recommend it for beginners to fitness, however, but there are tons of other options! Plus if the weather is really horrible outside, you have no excuse! You don't have to pick something super hardcore either, I've seen tons of dance cardio and even a PCD workout! {photo via}

Use magazines, pinterest, blogs, even video games for workout inspiration. Save your favourite pins to print, or tear out magazine sheets to keep your workouts entertaining! Doing the same activity over and over could possibly cause you to plateau... so make sure to switch it up a little! {photo via}
Enter The Giveaway!
Read the FAQS below before entering the contest which is posted after.
The 13 Challenge: Rules, etc
1. 1 "free" entry per week per person.
2. 10 entries per person per week that completes the challenge.
3. To enter once per week, all you need to do is comment below and use the rafflecopter entry form at the end of the post. To receive 10 entries weekly you must complete each task that is posted that Wednesday, and e-mail us your results (change the AT to @) before entering the rafflecopter form. Examples of results would be photos, screen shots, instagrams, or in some cases a written e-mail will be accepted. Please keep it classy folks.
4. To be eligible you must complete the tasks in order, one per week. You can start any day you choose on or before January 2nd, 2013, but if you submit more than 1 challenge per week you will be disqualified. The point of the challenge is to give yourself time to complete them, not see how quickly you can finish everything at once.
5. We have the right to change any rules at any time or refuse any entry for any reason we deem appropriate.
6. Leave an e-mail we can contact you with; we will e-mail the 2 winners after the contest is closed.
7. For any questions feel free to e-mail me here (don't forget to change the AT to an @).
Enter Below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway See you next Wednesday with our 1st week's results + another way for you to enter to win!!