12 Days of Christmas: 4 Statement Necklaces

There's nothing like a statement necklace to add a bit of something to a solid colour gown. Barney Stinson says it best in How I Met Your Mother, "One of the 24 similarities between women and fish, They're both attracted to shiny objects." ;) Bring on the bling, I'm always on for a bit of distraction!

Belle Noele for a little bit of gold.

Almost Done for a little bit of rock and roll.

Armadani for a little bit of bling.

Kate Spade for a little bit of attention.

Do you like to figure out the little details before a bit event, or just go with your gut feeling on the night of? Comment below!

This entry was posted on Friday, 14 December 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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