Looking Forward to 2013

Hey Readers!

Sorry for the brief and unintentional hiatus. I promise with the New Year coming up Cam + I have been discussing the future of this blog, and we have big plans! We want to feature a lot more original content (with the help of our DSLR), and kick back to our original reason for starting this blog: to provide inspiration! Somehow down the line, we geared more towards a "shopping list" if you will. I love shopping, and I will continue to feature wish lists of my favourite products (keep in mind we do NOT do sponsored posts at this time), but that will not be considered our only content anymore. We've also shut down "the 13 Challenge" and have decided to go in a different direction. I never want health to be something "forced" into someone's life, and with a challenge, I feel like that's exactly what I'm doing. Instead we will be posting on Wednesdays with more photos, recipes, and stories about the ways we have improved our health in hopes that it will inspire others to also take that leap. Going forward our main focus will be on fashion, decor, health, and of course our cat Pirate. We are also making it our New Years resolution to take more adventures around the city of Vancouver and beyond, and let our readers into our lives a bit more. We live in an amazing country full of beauty, and it's time we start exploring it!

Thank you readers for your amazing support, and we look forward to continuing to make Pirate + Lilac a better blog each and every day.

This entry was posted on Thursday, 27 December 2012 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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