I've been obsessed with this little porcelain dish ever since I first laid eyes on it. I bought it from Modcloth and plan to use it in our living room. I will most likely put a couple candles on it, or maybe a necklace or two... I haven't quite decided yet! Lately I've been really into trays, whether vintage or with a neat print like this one. Maybe it's that witchy old cat lady inside me who used to collect tea sets in her childhood coming out again (I collected miniature tea sets like this one).

Below are a few of my other favourite porcelain dishes. How would you display this dish? Comment below!

01: THALASSIC PARK octopus tray . 02: VILLARREAL CERAMICS feather platter
And just for fun (as I mentioned tea earlier), a vintage Cartier tea cup from 1986 that I am totally in love with. If I had the dough to drop on these babies, they'd be in my cupboard faster than you can blink! For now my mix-matched collection of $1 thrift finds will have to do!

photo via