We're Back!

Whew. That hiatus definitely went a bit longer than I had originally intended, but such is life. My horoscope yesterday said "not even a scorpio can keep moving at your present pace, so slow down and give yourself a break - yes, you CAN afford the time. If you fall behind in your schedule it means your schedule is too tough", and this sang loud and clear to me. I don't take horoscopes too seriously, but this seemed to be a good reminder to me. If I am so overpacked on my schedule that I can't even take a night off to go on a date with my live-in boyfriend, we've got a major problem! So I took 2 week's off from digital land altogether and decided to concentrate on myself, my relationship, and what I want my lifestyle to be. I want to be able to run a blog full time, but I also work full time. I'm also learning to schedule time for social events in my calendar to be sure my social life doesn't get left behind. Pirate & Lilac evolves with our lives, and we love to take you along for the ride. This year we will be especially challenging as I will be juggling a full time job, full time blogging, a consistent Bikram Yoga practice, a new lifestyle including paleo eating (more about that later), as well as a few projects I have in the works that will be announced later. I thrive on being busy, but I must always remember to prioritize and not forget to give myself some time to breathe!!

Anyway, my apologies that Pirate+Lilac had to suffer some radio blog silence while I re-evaluated my priorities in both my real life and digital life.

All of this is going to be unveiled over the next few weeks with our new categories (you can see these by clicking post series in the menu above). I look forward to learning how to use my DSLR and giving you a peak into our lives. Welcome to the new Pirate+Lilac. We hope you'll stay a while! ;)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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