The Weigh In

Every Wednesday I will be logging my progress with using Bikram Yoga along with a Paleo approach to eating to not only achieve a healthy body but also to cure lingering PTSD symptoms. Below is my starting point; the base from which all of this begins. My reason behind doing this? I know it works. I've seen it work. So now it's time to show you how keeping up a consistent bikram yoga practice with an 80%+ paleo meal plan can potentially change not only your body, but your life. Big promises? It's time for big results! I'll be logging weekly (along with Cam) and also doing a "Photo-A-Day" project. In 6 weeks we'll check in on our progress, how our bodies have changed, and release the photos for you to see for yourself! Then in another 6 weeks, we'll do another photo check in. I'm excited to be a guinea pig for good health! Below are the questions I will be answering every week, with this week's starting point answers. Make sure to follow us to keep up with all of our updates! Have any questions? Leave a comment below!

Weekly Results

1. How were your energy levels this week? Exhausted . Tired . Normal . Energized

2. How was your sleep this week? Insomnia a few nights a week.

3. How are your pain levels? Nagging constant pain in my shoulder/back, as usual. Also a bit of stomach pain here and there along with acid reflux (sensitive stomach).

4. How are your concentration levels? Easily distracted . Normal . In the zone

5. How do you feel on an average day? Horrible . Pretty Awful . Ok . Great . Fantastic!

6. How are your anxiety levels on average? Extreme . High . Normal . Low

7. How are your stress levels this week? Extreme . High . Normal . Low

8. Please note any major changes you've noticed from last week: n/a

Weekly Weigh-In

Kellee's Stats: Week 0

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Weight Change This Week: 0
Weight Change Last Week: 0
Avg Per Week: 0

Cam's Stats: Week 0
Weight Change This Week: 0
Weight Change Last Week: 0
Avg Per Week: 0

My friend Joanna will also be logging her results and we'll check in with her from time to time to see what she's doing routine wise.

Joanna's Stats: Week 0

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Weight Change This Week: 0
Weight Change Last Week: 0
Avg Per Week: 0

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 and is filed under ,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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