Over the past few weeks I've taken the time to evaluate this blog, what I liked about it, and what I didn't. My real passions are in the accessories of life; from the items in fashion (bags, shoes, jewelry, etc), to home life (decor), to body image (yoga, paleo eating) and so this blog will now focus on what in my opinion makes style so fun. You can see the new sections above, and as our content begins to post from today forward, the images will begin to be active and clickable. I will be posting once (sometimes twice) daily (although sometimes life can get in the way of posting, in which case my apologies will have to do!), and including written content as I had first intended. I got a bit lost for a while in only posting photos + inspiration (as I'm sure has happened to many a blogger). I hope to pack this blog full of content that is both useful + fun, with a bit of humour, and many original photographs. I am so excited for this new year both in my life and this blog!
Only one day left to enter our giveaway to win $50 to Modcloth! Winner will be picked November 10th and notified by e-mail. Be sure you actually complete the tasks listed, or I will have to pick a different winner!
a Rafflecopter giveaway