Birthday Week + Stefanie Sheehan

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Happy Friday everyone! This week has definitely been a blur for me, being the birthday week and all. I was incredibly lucky to be able to take a few days off to enjoy going out to dinner with Cam and just relax! There's definitely been a lot of jokes flying about Cam + I being like old people (I do love knitting and watching soaps... uh oh...) Oh well, our friend Joanna is also down to join our old man society!

Now onto some jewelry! I stumbled upon Stefanie's designs on etsy, and while I was most taken by her "Spikes and Lines" collection, I found myself closely examining many of the photos of her pieces from other collections as well. Her "Monsters Within" is a bit too Lady Gaga for me, but I appreciate her artistic talents, and her inspiration blurbs are worth a read. What do you think?

necklace / ring / two finger ring / necklace

The two finger monster ring is definitely a close second favourite! I love that his little tail wraps only part way around the second finger! Make sure to check out this hand painted necklace as well as the entire Spikes and Lines collection!

This entry was posted on Friday, 9 November 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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