High + Low: Rainboots

{photo via}

Continuing with our rainy Vancouver theme, we've found our favourite not-so-average rainboots:

1 - $$ . 2 - $ . 3 - $ . 4 - $ . 5 - $$ . 6 - $$ . 7 - $$ . 8 - $

I own a couple pairs of rainboots given that I live in one of the rainiest (if not the rainiest) cities in Canada. Sometimes I opt to buy boots + spray them down with waterproofing, but it doesn't always work in our downpours! Do you go for the classic style rainboot, or something more "fashionable"?

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 16 October 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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