Halloween Hostess

{with this makeup, it wont matter what you wear! // photo via}

Throwing a halloween get together, but costumes are optional? Why not dress in the colours of the season instead! For halloween this year Cam + I probably wont be in costume, but I definitely will have something special picked out for dinner / drinks / get togethers that weekend. Even if you already have a costume and plans for the 31st, these outfits would be perfect for (American) Thanksgiving, or during the day before it's time to get into costume! Are you dressing up this year?

1 - $ . 2 - $ . 3 - $ *vintage* . 4 - $ *vintage* . 5 - $$$ . 6 - $ . 7 - $$ . 8 - $

$ = 1-99, $$ = 100-499, $$$ = 500-999, $$$$ = 1,000+

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 23 October 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Halloween Hostess”

  1. sooo nice! love the makeup!



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