Wednesday Weigh In

{You ain't going to stay that way eating wheat, honey // photo via}

Time to get back on the weight loss train! Alberta was fun, as was eating whatever I pleased, but my stomach is definitely unhappy about it! I don't mean in a weight sense, but in the actual way that I feel. I've got weird gut pains + feel exhausted all the time, so it's out with gluten + back to paleo eating!

Cam + I will be stepping up our yoga, as well as with my accountability partner Jo! I'm trying to lose 21 pounds for a total of 25 pounds lost by my 25th!! For me weight loss isn't about looking a "certain way" but about being happy about myself. I want to feel happy + healthy, and for me that includes weight loss.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

We'll see you next week for the 1st week's results!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 5 September 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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