Calling September Sponsors + Giveaways

{we're running on bare bones baby // photo via}
Have you ever thought about sponsoring a blog? We're looking for sponsors to help with our web costs + opening of our shop! We're the new kid on the block, who just got a DSLR camera, so expect outfit posts to come! We also try to feature photographs from fashion photographers so our readers can explore more mediums than just what they see in magazines.

Please see our sponsor page here for a September Special!


Here's a quick reminder of what's up for grabs until September 22nd @ 6PM PST. All winners will be notified by e-mail September 23rd. Get in before they're gone!!

Essie Polish Prize Pack

{Essie's Lilacism // photo via}
Click here to enter!

5 Class Card c/o Bikram Yoga Vancouver

{The lovely Lisa from BYV // photo via}

Join me in my weight loss challenge with Bikram Yoga Vancouver and snag a 5 class card for yourself! No matter if you're a student with us already (*I work front desk for BYV), or if you've never tried yoga before, this card is open to any resident who lives in the Vancouver or surrounding areas! Always wanted to give it a try? Click here to enter!

Free Medium Ad Space on Pirate+Lilac

Kick of the start of Fall with a free ad space on the right of Pirate+Lilac! enter here!

This entry was posted on Thursday, 6 September 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Calling September Sponsors + Giveaways”

  1. this is such an amazing lilac colour xo
    would you like to follow each other?

    $100 Giveaway from Boticca:


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