It's been a trying couple of weeks in the house. Lots of strange mishaps and odd occurences, so let's just say I'm happy July is over! I'll be amping up the posting next week. Pirate has been sick, and I drop everything for my family, so she's been my priority. She's back to her happy kitty self now (YAY!!!) so I can start shifting my focus back to the blog and our shop opening which I've pushed until August 9th! Thanks for your patience readers, and don't forget to enter our great giveaways featured in the last post!
Have you visited our new yoga-centric blog Pranayama Blogging?
Until tomorrow...
Busy Bees
This entry was posted on Wednesday, 1 August 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
Glad your little one is doing better. :) Some times you just have to pace yourself a little different but glad your back on-line!