Manic Monday: Misplaced Rib + Paleo Groceries

{Photo by ankakay}

I was hoping to get a blog post out yesterday for Canada Day, but I woke up with a misplaced rib two days ago! Gah! Cameron felt so horrible for me, I could see it on his face. I couldn't stop the tears from falling and I could barely breathe (it hurt at the top and end of every breath. It felt like someone was stabbing me at the top of my ribs over and over). Luckily I have an amazing sister, who also happens to be a physical therapist, and who immediately sent me some adjustment exercises by email. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical (I know my sister is talented, but I kind of looked at the simplicity of the exercises and was like, there is no way this is going to help...) and it hurt like crazy while I was attempting the exercises, but I woke up 2 days later with no pain whatsoever! I can take full deep breaths and it doesn't feel like I'm being assassinated! Yay!! I was so worried with my bikram & paleo challenge going on this month that I'd already be at a disadvantage, but I feel right as rain! (Sorry to mention rain, Vancouverites... I know we're all a bit touchy considering the sun has been a little less than social with us this summer!)

Speaking of the Bikram & Paleo Challenge, Cam & I have our first grocery shopping trip today! My list is meats and veggies. A few fruits. That's it. Simple, quick, and the recipes I have planned this week look delicious! We'll be posting What We Ate posts periodically along with photos and descriptions of what we cooked for our paleo meals! My sister has been thinking of starting a paleo blog... Here's my shout out to you Melanie: Please do it! Cameron and I need more recipes!! :)

If you're interested in entering to win a class card c/o Bikram Yoga Vancouver I will finally have the deets posted up by this evening. Your first chance to enter is this Wednesday, (Happy) July 4th!

Don't worry fashionistas, I have an international giveaway for July that will be posted in a few days!

{Photo by Cameron }

It's time for me to head off to the grocery store. I've planned meals up until Saturday, as we're going to try to do a fair amount of our shopping at the Kits Farmer's Market on Sundays from now on!

Do you shop at farmer's markets, or grocery stores? Do you only shop organic or a wide range? (We are on a strict budget so we tend to buy organics that are on the "dirty" list, and a mix of organic and not for the rest.) Comment below, or on twitter!

This entry was posted on Monday, 2 July 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Manic Monday: Misplaced Rib + Paleo Groceries”

  1. So glad you are feeling better! I do hope to start a paleo blog but Marco and I just started preparing meals for 2 of his clients and time is a little short right now! I will still share recipes with you though of course :)
    We tend to hit up the tiny farmers market we have first - buy whatever looks good and fresh and interesting - and then pick up the rest of our groceries at the store.
    We also buy the organic vegs and fruits from the "dirty" list for sure and don't worry too much about the "clean" list. When buying meats always buy "wild" instead of farmed! And we buy grassfed beef when possible - and when not, we buy the leanest cuts possible to minimize exposure to the toxins stored in the fat!

  2. I've been having a hard time making myself think more about what to buy and with a few health issues thrown in it's a challenge but I keep whittling out the sugar, going for more healthy protein and lots of fresh veggies and not so much fruit or dairy. I feel better so something must be right. :)


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