Wednesday Weigh In

{Photo taken by Cameron}

Hello everyone! Sadly I am making this post extra short. I've had a migraine off and on for a few days now, and I just can't bring myself to sit in front of a bright screen for any longer. I promise I will be back to writing you novels upon novels (ok not that much, but at least paragraphs!) and have a bamboozle of photos (in a large part to Cameron and his iphone skills haha!) tomorrow. I've always been sensitive to the detoxing phase, and tend to get wicked headaches once my body starts getting used to better eating. I know I'm making the right choice, and my body will understand soon too!! Have you entered into our Giveaway??
Until tomorrow my lovelies... xoxo

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, 13 June 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Wednesday Weigh In”

  1. I had a headache for 2 days straight after eliminating grains...hang in there girl!


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