Wednesday Weigh In: Bikram Paleo Challenge

{Photo by Amy Moss}

One of the main questions I hear frequently is "Can Bikram Yoga help me lose weight?", or "Can Bikram Yoga help me gain weight or muscle?" Honestly, I have nothing to go by except the books I've read from Bikram himself, as well as the results I've seen working at BYV (which are numerous, don't get me wrong)... but I want to be able to speak from my own experience. That's when the Bikram Paleo Challenge was born!

The Challenge

{Photo by tiarescott}

We will be dedicating the month of July to our Bikram Yoga practice, as well as eating a nutritious Paleo diet. We'll both be logging our calories to ensure we are eating enough, but not too much at the same time! I want to try to lose as much weight as possible, so I will be attempting 5 days at least a week of yoga. Cam wants to maintain and even gain weight as well as muscle so he will be practicing 3 or more times per week. Obviously the more the better, but we have to be realistic with our daily time constraints factored in. Every Wednesday we will both "weigh in", and post the results for everyone to see. We'll also be concentrating on a different pose every week, posting tips, what we find difficult about the pose, and progression from week to week.

We're also excited to announce we will be giving away a class card from BYV! Every Wednesday you'll have a chance to gain a new entry into the contest! Last day for entries will be July 31st. Winner will be drawn (at random by myself and some help from August 1st, 2012. We will announce the winner August 1st, so make sure you leave a VALID e-mail address when you enter so we can get in touch with you!! Check back July 1st, 2012 for the official rules and first chance to enter to win!!

The short term goal for this project is the month of July, but my long term goal is to hit my goal weight by my birthday! (A little over 4 months from now!)

We will be zeroing out our weight loss counters to ensure the count is for the month of July only. Make sure to check back every Wednesday for our progress!

If you live in the Vancouver, BC area, and have never been to the BYV studios, your first class is free!! Click here to sign up for your first free class or visit their website by clicking below! We'd really appreciate it if you write you heard about BYV from Pirate + Lilac! :)

* I do not get paid whatsoever for mentioning BYV or Bikram yoga. I enjoy the practice, and also want to show what maintaining a regular practice can do for your health.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, 27 June 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Wednesday Weigh In: Bikram Paleo Challenge”

  1. Yay! We're so excited for you and can't wait to start hearing about your experience! Good luck.



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